
Awards, UI improvements, Login & Registration fixes, New Group Gallery design

⭐️ Your Awards

Have you joined a barq event at a con? Have you participated in barq Alpha or Beta? Have you found our secret QR codes that might or might not be placed at cons?

Well you’re in luck, cause you get stickers for that!

This is an experimental new feature that will get more usability as time goes on, like being able to show awards on your profile.

You can find Your Awards in the sidebar!

An image from Notion

🖌 General UI improvements

An image from Notion

🌅 Better Image Gallery

An image from Notion

👋 Better registering & logging in

Some furries who wanted to use barq had troubles getting registered or logging in on the app. That’s never fun and we’ve been hard at work to solve some frequent problems. This release includes fixes for those problems.

📩 Ability to re-send the verification mail

When you register at barq, you will get a confirmation mail to confirm it’s really your e-mail address. However, when you don’t verify your account within 30 minutes, that link will expire.

Now you can re-send yourself a new verification mail by going in the app, clicking on “Log in” and then fill your e-mail address again. It will automatically send a new mail your way!

📍 Logging in no longer requires a location

While we still require you to either pick a location or use your live location - we no longer require live locations to try and see where you are before you are allowed to continue. So if you are in a tunnel or at Area 51 and you use your live location, you can still continue logging in.

How did I sign up?

With several ways to create a barq account, it can sometimes be a struggle to remember which e-mail address you used for barq.

When logging in and registering, we now save your e-mail address locally in secured storage so when you try and log back in, it will automatically pre-fill the e-mail address you used for barq!

For iPhone users, you can sync this with iCloud Keychain so if you get a new iDevice and you install barq, your e-mail address should be there for an easier login process.

🧯 Other changes and fixes